The world is upside down. In normal conditions, we are often taught to strive for success. However, this seems irrelevant amidst a global pandemic. Whether that is with job applications, your business, your job, and heck, even your social life - everything feels like a bit of a “fail”. We are almost unequipped to deal with it. Failure seems such a taboo in this society of hyper-perfection. With the technological revolution, also comes social media that presents us with many detrimental side effects that not only mitigate our mood but alter the subconscious.
The subconscious is a complicated thing, partly because we aren’t aware of its effect on us. It is drilled into our subconscious that WE MUST NOT FAIL. Not only are we biologically pre-set to survive, but also to satisfy societal expectations. We must have a job. We must earn. We must earn more money. We must keep climbing up the corporate ladder. All these ideas are drilled into our minds and shape our perceptions of success. This is why when people take the ‘obscure route’, there is often resistance from this fear called failure. Failure doesn’t even have to do with tangible things like your job or anticipated promotions. The idea that you will fail can seep into other aspects of your life. Whether that is relationships, friendships, or your social scene. The idea is that you have to fit into a template to be seen as successful by other people. If you aren’t traveling to luxurious spots, you failed. If you don’t have a certain waistline, you failed. If you haven’t already met the love of your life, you have failed. Or, this what we are told, and...honestly? We start to believe it.
How to fail... and get the hell over it?
STAND UP, AGAIN: Failure is your life coach. That aggressive coach who has veins popping out of its forehead, who beats you down, shouts, screams and makes you cry. But, when you stand back up again, you are stronger than ever before. If you didn’t have failure, you wouldn’t know how good it feels to stand up. Without failure, you would be bored and monotonous. I guess Kelly Clarkson was right. What doesn’t kill you does make you stronger.
YOUR FAILURE IS YOUR STRENGTH: With every down comes an up. I declare this as the 'law of life'. If you are going through a down right now, live your present life knowing there is a massive ‘up’ coming your way. How exciting is that?! Take your failures as important learning points. What did you learn from this? Anything you could do to work on yourself, or anything in your environment that you need to change?
BE A LION: The term ‘failure’ is a man-made concept. It’s not an actual, real or tangible thing. For example, when a lion is hunting for its prey and is unable to catch it. The lion doesn’t think “oh damn, I failed. I’m going to curl up in the corner and die”. No, absolutely not. The lion thinks - “I missed”. It carries on and tries again, and again. The lion doesn’t let its “misses” determine whether he will eat today or not. It’s the same with you. Be a lion, if you missed...
Try again.
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